Tuesday, February 23, 2016

An Introduction to the Kentucky Permaculture Alliance

The Kentucky Permaculture Alliance was an idea that was born on the morning of February 23rd, 2016. 

The KPA is seeking to provide financial, emotional, and nutritional stability for humans through the practice of good ecological stewardship. By living a permaculture lifestyle, both humans and nature can reform the synergistic relationship that industrialism has so greatly deteriorated.  

(Contact info at the bottom of this post)

None of this is set in stone. I am open to new ideas!

In its infancy, the KPA will be an alliance between two or more stakeholders. These stakeholders can either be honorary members or founders. These stakeholders will work together to accomplish things that would be extremely challenging if not impossible for one person to do on their own, in a rational amount of time.

The benefits of the alliance will include:

1. Shared purchasing power
2. Intellectual and physical collaboration
3. Companionship
4. Decreased workload in relation to doing it by yourself
5. More security

Please look at this post to see the requirements:

There are people in the world that wish to live a sustainable life without putting their fate into the hands of banks, politicians, and industrial agriculture. I am one of those people. If you are as well then send me an email at David       (right click david and select copy email address)

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